Prof. Dr. Arvind Kumbhar
I take pleasure to welcome you to SIMS Akluj. SIMS was established in 2009 by the Ministry of Education, Govt. of Maharashtra at Shankernagar,Akluj. It is this thriving and fastest growing rural area.The striking feature of SIMS’s state-of-the bringing ‘corporate into classrooms’ to produce relevant talent for corporate world.
SIMS can make things better for the entire business world and society in the fastest-growing region of India. It is indeed an exciting opportunity for SIMS to play a crucial role, and to be the force multiplier in driving the spirit of innovation that contributes to the economic transformation and social development of region. .
SIMS attracted the best faculty members who does cutting edge research and have greater exposure to the corporate world. Due to ideal location, SIMS Akluj attracts best student talent from different areas of India. This provides an advantage of diverse and enriching learning environment to our graduates. SIMS is highly equipped to conduct Executive Education Programmes (EEPs) to facilitate executives of public and private sectors to fully realize opportunities ahead in this digitally disruptive world. Keeping NEP2020, digitalization and lifelong learning in mind, SIMS is soon starting an e-learning center to conduct online certificate programmes for skilling-reskilling-up skilling the executives in highly specialized areas of management.